Wednesday, December 24, 2008


She will post, time to time. Well, I will type but she will tell me what to post.
(this is about 5 days ago)

After few days of walking and running Sara and I saw some men in the forest. I was already in my wolf form so we could just walk past. It was kind of annoying having to haul the laptop around on my back. I had this pack that I put on my back (in wolf form) that carried my clothes and laptop. We went over to see what was going on and they were talking. There were three of them... and one was Jeb. He was telling them, "Find specimen 13, he must be injected with the new formula"
They both nodded and shifted to Eraser forms.
I cursed.
Sara was walking away when she stepped on a branch and the Erasers heard her.
They lunged at her and she yelped. It wasn't a puppy dog yelp, it was an OMG something cut me deep. I lunged at them and bit one of them, and then I shifted into my Eraser form and punched him in the arm I bit him.
I heard a crack and then he was holding his arm. I took my gun out of my bag and shot the other one. I carried an unconscious Sara away.

When we got back to the cave I saw that in her back she was bleeding, and there was a small mark where a needle punctured her skin. For the past five days she has had body aches and has not had the strength to stand up. I am strongly worried about her.

Questions still remain:

What did they do to her?

What was in the shot?

What was Jeb talking about?

Why is Sara sick? (understatement of the year!)

When will she get better?

Will she get better?

Will this post ever end?


Gotta Fly!